So is this problem? Well it could be if you are trying to print to exactly match the CMYK and white paper Lab figures from in the current ISO 12647/2 2013 standard.
The reason for the difference is, in itself, reasonable. The white paper Lab figures for the 8 ‘new’ papers in the standard, called […]
Many will remember the ‘comfort’ of reviewing transparencies on a lightbox, and comparing them with proofs and printed sheets in light booths. What simple, happy days.
But how many transparencies or colour prints do we see these days; very few I think. Over the last 12 years, digital photography has taken over in both […]
The image shows a Fogra 51 coated profile in wireframe, with a Fogra 52 uncoated profile within. Both in the grey frame which is CIE Lab
This latest version of ISO 12647/2 standard printing conditions for offset litho was published in late 2014. The Fogra 51, coated, and 52, uncoated, colour datasets […]
This is a small and very quick blog on the subject of how often to change D50 tubes, to the ISO 3664 standard, in order to maintain colour accurate viewing conditions.
Well, the tube manufactories state a life of 2,500 effective hours. Of course the tube life is much longer, but they are not […]
Well, there are many colour management issues, but the one that comes up time and again, even from printers with a good colour managed workflow, is the management of colour within PDFs supplied by their clients.
This area can cost printers hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of pounds in unrecovered costs […]
Colour management is a maturing technology, based on the International Color Consortium (ICC) specifications. Most graphic arts software uses ICC colour management to control the display, colour space conversion and output of colour.
These include desktop publishing packages such as Adobe’s CC suite, Quark Express and Coral.
Proofing rips from GMG, EFI, Print […]
Colour accuracy, consistency and appearance are becoming an increasing requirement for all areas of printed products. The wide format market cannot stand apart from this issue. This blog looks at how a colour-managed workflow can save money, assure quality and retain clients.
1. A rip is not a workflow!
The wide format rips from the […]
The blog is based on a briefing paper I wrote for CMA Imaging, so is published with many thanks to them.
For the last few years the International Standards Organisation, the ISO TC130 international committee, which develops all the printing industry related standards, ISO 12647, 12646, 3664, etc, has been slowly amending […]
I have heard this comment too many times over the last 15 years, so I have, at last, been moved to briefly discuss why this is wrong.
It has been said that a digital image without a profile is like buying a burger from a dodgy burger van; is it beef, lamb, dog or […]
Yes, it’s the revised ISO standard printing conditions for sheet and web fed heatset-offset litho. The revision was published at the end of 2013 and is available from the ISO web site.
This blog will look at the main changes to the revised standard and the new data sets and profiles being […]
10/02/2014 Update added for the Konica Minolta/Komori KM1 UV inkjet launching at IPEX2014
23/09/2013-Added updates and new image for the Landa Nano Presses, which are now delayed by a year.
16/12/2012-I have added some updates re installations and availability of these presses. Also the new OCE ColorStream 5500 color inkjet press has just been announced.
This blog has been driven by my observations over last Autumns when attending a number of small but very focused and interesting events held for the printing and graphic arts community.
These included the Print Efficiency days held at Apex Graphics in Hemel Hempstead, the Two Sides seminar at Stationers’ Hall and the excellent Forward […]
- Paul Sherfield who runs the consultancy is well known in the printing and pre-media industry as having considerable knowledge on digital workflows, with a special expertise on the business reasoning behind such systems.
He has installed some of the most successful digital pre-press and pre media systems in the UK. For 2 years he worked on a number of medium term projects before starting the consultancy in July 2000. Before this he was a partner in what became one of the leading pre-press/printing companies in London.
He is active in a number of industry groups including the BPIF Technical Standards Committee, ISO TC 130 printing standards committees and is chair of the BPIF steering group for ISO 12647/2 UK certification, He is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences.